We understand that you want to contribute. But we also know that you want to know about the costs and benefits. Let us explain.
Underneath you can find an Excel tool to help you do calculations about the cost of the implementation of climate adaptive measures, applied to your own context. In the guiding and explanatory document, you can find out how to use the tool and what benefits it can bring to your situation.
Your own cost and benefit analysis
What are the costs and benefits of climate adaptation?
The Excel file available for download allows you to fill in the climate adaptive measures you are considering and calculates their costs and benefits. It is completely interactive and can be tailored to your own context. Looking for more background information and logic behind the shown costs and benefits in the Excel file? Download the guiding and explanatory document to find out how to use the tool and what benefits it can bring to your situation.​

Let's talk finance!
Now that you are aware of the costs and benefits, organizing the initial investment is often a point of concern when making a business park future proof. Every municipality has their own subsidies and rules which are also changing constantly. If you want to know more about local means of financing that are available, search the web page of your municipality or get in touch with them directly.

On a national level in The Netherlands, there are interesting financing options available for businesses looking to make their working environment climate adaptive. The two most important ones are the Milieu-investeringsafterk (MIA) and the Willekeurige afschrijving milieu-investeringen (VAMIL).
The MIA allows business owners to deduct 27%, 37% or 45% of the climate adaptive investment from their fiscal profit. With VAMIL, you can choose in which year you want to write off a percentage of up to 75% of the invested measure. Let’s look at an example:
Let’s say your business has €75.000 of fiscal profit, and the tax is 25%. Your company invests €50.000 in a specific climate adaptive measure for which the deductible percentage from MIA is 36%. Your fiscal profit then becomes €75.000 - (€50.000 x 0,36) = €57.000. By using the MIA, you pay 25% of tax over €57.000 = €14.250, whereas, without the MIA, you would have paid 25% over €75.000 = €18.750. So, by using the MIA, you have a financial advantage of €4.500.
You can combine the MIA with VAMIL. Normally when making an investment, you write off a part of the investment every year with a normal maximum of 20%. By using the VAMIL however, you can choose in which year you want to write 75% of the investment off your fiscal profit, resulting in a smaller amount of total tax that needs to be paid. More information on MIA and VAMIL can be found here. By smartly combining the two measures, your fiscal advantage can reach up to 14% of the initial investment.
The list of investments on which MIA and/or VAMIL applies is called the Milieulijst and is updated every year. MIA and VAMIL can be applied to different sectors such as industry, agriculture, mobility and the built environment and for climate adaptation, the built environment sector is used. More information on the Milieulijst for the built environment can be found here and an updated version of the Milieulijst can be found here. These investments include for example green roofs, increasing water buffering capacity, installing green facades and more. Pay attention to the investment code indicated in the Milieulijst, for codes starting with D, E or G, only MIA can be applied. For codes starting with A, B or F, MIA and VAMIL can be applied.